Advokatfirman Titov & Partners

Your business law firm

Titov & Partners was founded 2018 by seven experienced lawyers who wanted to create something new and modern. The shared values of respect, loyalty and humility are central and characterizes our business.

Filip Tedebo-Odell


Practice areas

Public Procurement, Dispute Resolution, Administrative Procedural Law


Lawyer, Advokatfirman Titov & Partners, 2024-

Associate, Advokatfirman Titov & Partners, 2020-2024

Södertörn District Court, law clerk, 2019-2020

Associate, Konkurrenskommissionen 2017-2019

Summer law clerk, Administrative Court in Malmö, 2016

Project coordinator, Unit for Public Procurement, Malmö, 2016

Internship, Public Procurement Department, Malmö, 2015-2016

Juristjouren, Lund, 2014-2016


LL.M., Lund University, 2017


Swedish, English

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